5 Ways to Be More Confident at Work

Having confidence in the workplace is important to be happy at your job and provide value to the business or company you work for. People who are confident in their workplace are known to strive for promotions and tackle new challenges, which leads to furthering their careers. If you are not quite there yet, here are five ways to be more confident at work:

1. Use affirmative language

Affirmative language and a positive mindset go a long way and are two of the most important tools you can use to be more confident at work. Growth and confidence are not handed to anyone, they need to be crafted as time progresses. You need to realise that making mistakes are inevitable and it is not the end of the world. Instead of beating yourself up when making a mistake, have a mindset that gears towards “how can I prevent this from happening in the future?” and “what can I learn from this mistake?”.

2. Learn, learn, learn

A way to grow your confidence is to be sure of your knowledge and skills. A way to develop your knowledge and skills, and inevitably grow your confidence, is to be well educated and knowledgeable about your field. Getting qualifications to get the desired marketing job may work for some people, but others may benefit from further education, like short courses. One of these short courses by Institute of Marketing Management (IMM) South Africa offers an online short course titled ‘The Brand of You’. This online short course, which costs R2, 500 and takes 10 weeks to complete, offers you the knowledge and a range of skills to grow your confidence at work.

Examples of these skills are:
  • Strategically planning and execute hard hitting meetings
  • Communicating all necessary details leading up to a meeting
  • Understanding the power of goal setting and visualisation
  • Speed reading people’s body language
  • Making a strong first impression

3. Focus on your strengths

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and dwelling on your weaknesses has never proven to be productive. Although you should try and improve to have fewer weaknesses, it is advised to focus on your strengths and become an expert in those areas. You need to understand what your strengths are and praise yourself for them. You should also work to improve those strengths as this will be a needed confidence boost in the workplace.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Not knowing something, or being confused about a certain topic, is never something you should be ashamed of. It’s smarter to ask questions and complete tasks properly than to go into tasks blindly and make mistakes that could have been prevented. Always ask a senior or colleague when you are unsure to prevent this. This would also be a good indication of your character and willingness to learn from others and may lead to praise and promotions in the workplace.

5. Remember to have fun

Although the marketing field can be challenging and fast-paced, it is a fun and exciting field that can be very rewarding. If you take yourself too seriously you will likely miss out on these benefits, which would lead to you being unhappy and not confident in the workplace. If you are unhappy and not confident it is also likely that you will make unnecessary mistakes.

The bottom line

Creating confidence at work may seem like a difficult task, but it can be worked towards if you follow these five tips. Being educated, willing to learn, and using affirmative language will set you on the right path. But, also remember to not take yourself too seriously and enjoy the field you’re in.

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