IMM Events

The IMM Institute Excellence Awards are our premier annual event, recognising marketing, supply chain and entrepreneurial talent from across South Africa.

IMM Friday Flash Talk

IMM Friday Flashtalks

The IMM Friday Flash Talks are podcasts by thought leaders, visionaries, and industry movers in Africa. Held the last Friday of each month, these dynamic talks are led by renowned journalist Govan Whittles, alongside insights from an IMM Graduate School lecturer.  During these sessions, expert guest speakers will address topical marketing issues and trends in an informal online forum.


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IMM Friday Breakfasts

Marketers continually seek opportunities to network and share ideas with like-minded individuals. The IMM Friday Breakfast sessions are held the first Friday of each month, and provide Associates of the IMM with the opportunity to meet up over a scrumptious meal and to share insights around the previous Friday’s FlashTalk. These Breakfasts are by invitation only.

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The objective of the Power Talks is to inform and educate our Associates, students of the IMM Graduate School and the broader community in a face-to-face context on the many topics offered in our Personal Growth Activities on the Professional Development Initiative. Each Power Talk is presented by one of our external partners that we use for the content development in the Personal Growth Activities.

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IMM Workshops

From time to time, the IMM will conduct workshops on specific topics. These workshops will be designed according to industry demand and to fill skills gaps identified by marketing specialists and are therefore paid workshops.

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IMM Executive Think Tank

This forum brings together the best, brightest and most experienced minds in the marketing profession, to collaborate and exchange ideas on how to best serve the industry. It is a bi-annual platform where Platinum Corporate Associates meet to share and provide insight, perspective and knowledge in an interactive setting.

IMM Recruitment Day

The IMM Recruitment Day is a ‘speed dating’ event for companies, recruitment experts and job hunters. At these events, Corporate Associates will be able to recruit experienced marketers, as well as identify young emerging talent.

As an Individual Associate, you will get the opportunity to hear from industry experts about vacancies within their organisations, as well as to attend workshops on topics such as setting up a professional CV, interviewing skills, and dressing for success in an interview to secure that permanent position or internship.